Wednesday, June 30, 2010

SR. HIGH MISSION TRIP - The Pilgrimage

Well, we made it to D.C.! Not much to say about today other than it went pretty smooth until we hit D.C. roads. Go right on "H" then left on 17th St., then a quick round-about, then right onto "Q" and then onto Constitution St. and finally a slight right into the Potomac River!!! Hello? D.C. roads are nuts! Thanks for letting me vent! Other than the roads, we all had a great evening hanging out on "The Hill" steps listening to the U.S. Marine Band.

Tomorrow we will head out into the city to do some random acts of kindness for people! We did an awesome job in Greensboro, so we're going bigger this time! In the afternoon we will volunteer at the Christian Community Group Homes. This is a place for low-income seniors in D.C. In the evening we plan on visiting the White House for some evening tea! More photos to come!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 4: MS Mission Trip - AFTERNOON PHOTOS

Today the middle schoolers took on a VBS group at Jackson Park Ministries. These children were WILD! Our middle schoolers finally met their match. Of course I didn't like any minute of watching that. Ha! All-in-all, our group did a great job!! Here are a few pics. I'll try to upload some more photos tonight. We have a free night and our plan is to find a park where we can play in the water fountains!! I know you all are jealous!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010



After a nice packed lunch in the park, we spent the afternoon at the CRISIS ASSISTANCE MINISTRY ( Our main job was to separate clothes, put them on hangers and hang them up to be put out in their store. The Crisis Assistance Ministry store is unlike your typical Salvation Army / Goodwill Store. This place is free for people in need to come once a month to get clothes. 95% of this organization is run by volunteers.

DAY 3: MS Mission Trip - URBAN HIKE

This morning we took an URBAN HIKE through downtown Charlotte. We pretty much walked the whole city...and not one person complained that their feet hurt (hello sarcasm!). It was a great morning, though.

DAY 2 (Monday): Middle School Mission Trip RECAP

Day 2 (Monday): Middle School Mission Trip Update

Wendy's, Burgers & a God Moment

On the way down to Charlotte for our middle school mission trip, this happened...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Middle School Mission Trip #1

Well we made it to Myers Park Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, NC. This has got to be the closest youth mission trip we've ever been on. Leaving at 4:30 p.m. for a youth trip just isn't the same unless the departure time is at 9:00 a.m. Anyway, we have an exciting week ahead of us! The middle schoolers are already pumped up and ready to serve. I'll get into more information tomorrow about what we'll be doing, but it looks like we'll be working with little kids, homeless people and older adults with Alzheimer's.

Tomorrow when my brain is more refreshed, I'll share with you a story that happened to us on our way down here. It has to do with Wendy's, 2 people eating and $120. God is good...that's all I can say for now. Until tomorrow!