Monday, October 24, 2011

Inspiring Words...

Last night our sr. high youth watched an inspiring video presentation by Cory Booker, the current mayor of Newark, NJ. Not only does he tell us to come as you are but to LEAD WHERE YOU STAND! He also emphasized for us to learn from the everyday people we meet. According to the two men on the road to Emmaus, Jesus was just an ordinary man. Distracted, they were kept from recognizing him. It was only until they listened to the stories from the "ordinary man" that they were finally able to recognize him.

Watch the trailer (Cory comes on at 37 second mark)

Raw thoughts from our youth immediately after the video...

Together we can move mountains...It's time for a change...Do something...Wow...See the opportunity, positivity, and the light in the world, not the problems...Stand up...We stood...Unique...We can't overlook the people God puts on our path...We have to stay original and step out and stand up...I wish Cory Booker was the Mayor of Greensboro...Everyday I have the opportunity to make a difference in someone's life, and at the same time my life will be shaped through them...We are all born original, but sadly, so many of us die copies (Abe Lincoln). Let us all be original and stand for what we believe...How can I get to the roof...We need to approach problems from a different perspective sometimes...Where two or three are gathered together, there he is also...God is everywhere but it's our responsibility to make God's love appear to those who can't see it...Together we can...God is good. Life is good...People are born with originality, but by the end of their life they blend in(this makes me want to be someone who can leave something behind).

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